
College tutorials

Undergraduate courses. Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge 2019

I supervised Part IB Physics tripos students (2nd year undergraduates) in the following subject areas:

Undergraduate summer research project

Supervision. Department of Physics, University of Cambridge 2019

I designed and supervised an Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme 10-week project.

Cavendish Inspiring Womxn supervisions

Undergraduate courses. University of Cambridge, Department of Physics 2019


Cavendish Inspiring Womxn

Responsibilities as a ‘general member’:

Cambridge Science Festival

University of Cambridge 2018, 2019. Developed hands-on activities.

Mind the Nanogap, Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition

The Royal Society, London 2018. Developed, built, and delivered elements of the exhibit. Created website content, including a quiz and promotiona video. Ran the social media.

Women in STEM Festival

Robinson College, University of Cambridge 2018. Presented my research to school girls. Assisted the attendees in creating new wikipedia pages for women in STEM.


Department of Physics, University of Cambridge 2018. Delivered a presentation and demo on conductive polymers to secondary school classes.

Hosted the girl guides

Cambridge Centre for Gallium Nitride, 2018